Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Sled Tobbagan AND Music!

Yo....WHO HEARD ABOUT MIMO'S HAMPSTER? Poor little guy.....he is stuck in Mimo's webcam. Mimo seriously should keep his hampster away from electronics....LOLZ! Well, CP was late! They were supposed to release the new music for the games and the tobbogan yesterday! But they didn't! Well, it's here today! I got the toboggan and it looks funny when you wipe out on it on the game. To get the tobbogan, first, you go the the top of the sled hill, then click on the green note on the board to the left or the note in the bottom right. The tobbogan is 300 coins. Sadly, it is only for members. Sorry non members!

Also, CP just released some new tunes for Dance Contest. My favorite is the ST. Patricks one! I know, it isn't all that sweet! Keep Waddlin!
~Dex Dude~


Tboyman said...

I like "let's Bounce"!!
