Friday, April 17, 2009

Contest Winner!

I just had an awesome contest telling people to figure out what a few words were in German! The winner? Drum roll please.....HAPPYWAGON! Everyone else did a great job but Happywagon got it first. The answer was I like Pie! Look at the phrase below! It tells you what you had to figure out!

"Ich mag Torte!"

So, the prize? BEING THE FIRST PENGUIN OF THE MONTH! But! I have changed my idea! I will do this contest every two months! But it won't be the same contest every time! So congratz to Happywagon and I hoped everyone had a great time! I have Happywagon's picture below along with her igloo! Congratz! I will add your blog to my blogroll and a lot more! Keep Waddlin!

~Dex Dude~


Padguindude7 said...

I got it first. To say cake in German is the same as Pie. Plus my second guess was I like pie.

Happywagon said...

HAHA! my igloo is like that because i was using that as a picture on my blog to say that my igloo was under contstruction. take a picture of my igloo now please. It is alot cooler and better. Thanks! ~Happywagon

Happywagon said...

o yea, also i'm a dude not a girl.

Dex Dude said...

Okay! I'll post those other pictures laterz because I'm on my slow computer. I'm adding you to my blogroll now.

~Dex Dude~

Mimo777 said...

Hey Dex Dude Mimo here. I like your blog. Just giving you a heads up to check my twitter on either or my secret site. I am giving this message to a lot of the CPG Mods. Your one of the best Mods. See ya later. LOLZ