Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Egg Find!

Hey everyone! I found all of the Easter Eggs for you guys! Here they are:

1. Look at the Night Club and click on the light that it pointing to the left. An egg with a star should pop out!

2. Go to the Cove and click on the egg with the wave on it in the lower right-hand corner.

3. Go to the mine and go to the underground part of it. Then, hover your mouse over the cart-surfer game and the cart should appear, with the egg inside it!

4. Go to the Dojo and Click on the odd shaped latern!

5. Go to the Gift Shop and click on the warm fuzzy hat. Then click on the egg that's hidden under it!

6. Go to the Ski Lodge and click on the egg in the basket by the "Gone Fishing" door.

7. Go to the top of the mountain and click on the top of the post in the middle of the room. Then click on the egg!

8. The last egg is at the Light House Beacon. Click on the "On Off" button for the egg to appear!

Yay! You get some snazzy pink bunny ears! So far I have chocolate bunny ears, green bunny ears, blue bunny ears, and pink bunny ears! (AND GREEN BUNNY SLIPPERS!) Lolz pretty fun. Keep Waddlin and have a "Hoppy" Easter!

~Dex Dude, The Director~


Mryomama C P Guide said...

1. No swearing
2. Be nice to others

Happy commenting! I like pie...

~Dex Dude~

Tiny Tim77/ Timmy said...

I am so mad!!!! I spent like four hours taking pictures and clicking the eggs! All I get is a PINK RABBIT HAT?!? AND WHEN I TRY TO POST PICTURES ON MY SITE, does it work, no of course not of course it doesnt work!!!!! I want to quit making my site!
- Tiny Tim77