Monday, April 13, 2009

Like da new template?!?!?!?

Lolz! Hey everyone! I just uploaded my new template! Like it? The funny part is, the first template I uploaded I loved it because it was a smiley face and everything but then I uploaded it and then, the type didn't show up! Only the pictures! It's kinda weird! So I panicked and found this one really quickly. Lolz. PANICK ATTACK! Lolz. So yeah, I need you to vote on the new template if you like the template or not! Thanks guys!

~Dex Dude, The Director~


I pod1346 said...

dex im new to blog spot how do you put a background on it thnx heres my blogspot


Dex Dude said...

Ok, here's how I did it! I went to and clicked on other layouts. Then I clicked on Blogger Templates. Then, you can search whatever you want to be in your template. Then, copy and paste the code into the HTML of your site. But you have to delete the first HTML too. But warning: You will loose all of the gadgets on the side of your blog so I suggest making a word page that tells you all of the gadgets that are on your site. Hope this helps ALOT! f you have any questions, jsut let me know! Keep Waddlin!

~Dex Dude~

I pod1346 said...

Thnx dex you helped alot!

I pod1346