Sunday, April 5, 2009

New layout comin' soon!

Hey everybody! You voted in a poll that you wanted a new layout! Well, it will come next week! (NOT THIS WEEK, NEXT WEEK!) Keep Waddlin!

~Dex Dude, The Director~


Cearch said...

kk!! lol

Mrpengiewin said...

Hey Dex dude... you asked on the CPGA site if you could help look for new Armies to be allies with... SURE!!! And if you contact Tmw4000 at then you can talk to him more baout it because he is in charge of that stuff BUT I am sure he would be happy to have a HELPER!!!


Tmw4000 said...

yes like mr pengiewin said, yes you could help! feel free to contact me at if you have any armes you would like to be allies with or something. so yeah!!! and I LIKE PIE!!!!! WICH IS 3.1415926535897932384626 U LEARN THAT IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!!

Dex Dude said...

Lolz! Ok TMW, but I already know about pi! And it isn't spelled Pie, it's spelled PI!!!! Glad I could help us get some more allies!

~Dex Dude~