Thursday, March 26, 2009

Newspaper News and April Fools!

Lolz I just rhymed...Hey everyone! Today, there was a bunch of new info in the newspaper. First of all, they gave us information on the April Fools Party starting April 1st. Then, sensei put another yummy fortune cookie on the table! Yum! It said, "Ninjas needing new outfits will be rewarded." Then a rabid squirrle popped out of it and now it is invading CP! Lolz! (JK) Also, for those of you who still think you can find GGG, you can't! But, on April 2nd, you will be able to! And also, non-members will be able to go in the PPA but not in backstage! Oh, and also congratz to the new snow sculpture winners! Yacou123, Zsannet, Eggy1plant, Imagem, and Extraboum! Congratz to you all! Keep Waddlin!

~Dex Dude, The Director~