WOW! This has like been my biggest party ever! People all over Chobots knew about it! We called it, "A Barbie Party!" because we were listening to the "I'm a barbie girl song" in the cinema! It was so fun! Sorry I didn't tell you about it! Even 2 agents showed up! Pretty Sweet, Huh! BTW, dosen't my chobot look pretty sweet? Keep Waddlin!
~Dex Dude~
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 6:54 PM 3 Comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
Snow and Sports Cheats!
Hey guys! Here's the cheats (Or cheat...) for the Snow and Sports Catalog!

~Dex Dude~
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 2:50 PM 3 Comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
News Paper News along with Ninja Contest!
WOW. Long title, isn't it? I'm kinda late with this stuff! I'll explain it all first, and then pictures at the end! First of all, I wanna talk about the dojo igloo contest! All you have to do is decorate your igloo like a real dojo or something! I still have to work on mine! (I'll show you it when it's finished!) Starting June 1st and ending the 13th, CP will come around and find the best of the best ninja dojos! (GRAND PRIZE WINNER GETS 25,00 COINS! RUNNER UPS GET 15,00 COINS!)(I CALL DIBS ON 25,00!) Plus, Screenhog talked about the CP times today! I really don't think this is that important, though! They just show you boring sketches and stuff so I'm like whatever! Keep Waddlin!
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 2:19 PM 1 Comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Scuba Sports!
Hey peoples! New. Club. Penguin. Sport. Catalog. Coming. Soon! I can't wait! Can you? I'm happy to see that they're creating more Sports catalogs! This Friday (In 3 days!) You will be able to see what's new at the Sports Shop. I'm guessing it will be clothes and things on summer because were jumping into summer! (Swimsuits, Sun screen, ect.)
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 3:49 PM 4 Comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Hey peoples. I have sent the people who entered my banner contest a very important e-mail. Please check it out. Super Sorry. Keep Waddlin.
~Dex Dude~
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 11:20 AM 1 Comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rockhopper Returns!
Cool. Rockhopper returned! So, I was going to get the picture of the ice cream sundae pin and all the sudden rockhopepr appears right next to me. I'm like, "Hey!" And he's like "Ahoy, Matey!" Lolz. So yeah! Plus, he is giving out a new background! I really like it! If oyu didn't know, I just became a citizen on chobots! Saweet! Keep Waddlin!
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 4:28 PM 3 Comments
Woot! I know, I haven't posted much in a while. I've became a citizen on chobots and stuff and it's cool! So, new pin, ice cream sundae pin! Yay. Keep Waddlin! Lolz!
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 4:25 PM 1 Comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
American Idol!!!
Wow! I haven't posted much in a while! I have had a lot going on lately! Who saw American Idol? They gave out these awesome awards! Here they are:
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 5:52 AM 2 Comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Rockhopper Returns!-But what's on his ship?
Hey peoples! CP just told us Rockhopper is returning! Yay us! But there's something weird on his ship! Maybe it's Rokchopper Island in a Big Box! Or maybe its a party for all us penguins! No one really knows! Plus, on May 15th, there will be a new Better Igloos Catalog. Sorry I'm late on this guys! Keep Waddlin!
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 4:11 AM 4 Comments
Labels: Better Igloos Catalog, Rockhopper
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
WOW! Finally, the banner contest entries! The winner? Who is the winner? THE WINNER IS REDSOXGIRL72! Awesome job! Everyone did great during the contest, and I loved all of your banners! As a prize to everyone who entered, I have sent you an e-mail telling you some information about something! So people who entered, check your e-mail! The banner is in this post, but it will also be displayed under my chatbox at the bottom of the site! Redsoxgirl72, you are now a Quack! Mod too!Great job to everyone! Keep Waddlin!
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 2:46 PM 3 Comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Blue Wig Wins!
As a lot of you know, CP just wanted us to vote for our favorite wig color. You could have chosen from blue, dark red-brown, and blonde. I chose blue, and so did Mimo! I can't wait to scare everyone by wearing that wig in public! Lolz JK.
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 6:17 PM 3 Comments
Hey everyone! I know the contest poll ended, but I will tell you who won tomorrow! Everyone did great! CP just said that Trading Cards are now availible in the UK! That means that all you awesome UK guys are gonna be able to own us Americans in Card Jitsu soon! Lolz!
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 6:11 PM 1 Comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
New Pin!
Sorry this is late guys! I couldn't get back into CP cause the servers were so busy. It wouldn't load. =/ The new pin is the anvill pin! Here's how to get it:
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 5:42 AM 3 Comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
New free item-Wizard Hat!
Yeah I know, this is an old item. I couldn't get the picture with the yes or no on it but oh well. Lolz it's a wizard hat in the Lighthouse. You know the drill! Go get it! Lolz.
~Dex Dude~

Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 1:23 PM 3 Comments
Knight's Quest!

Sorry about the helmet! I was to excited so I clicked "Yes" before I got the pic! Keep WaddliN!'
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 12:54 PM 1 Comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Haunting of the Viking Opera!
Cool! We have all been waiting so long for this new play! The Haunting of the Viking Opera!? I knew it would be about vikings but not a ghost too...LOLZ! Also, CP said in the newspaper that a new furniture catalog will come out May 15th. I hope they make it medeival themed! Lolz. Plus, THE MEDEIVAL PARTY WILL START TOMORROW! Get your knights, princesses, jesters and dragon costumes on now and get ready to PARTY! W00T! Lolz. Keep Waddlin!

Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 5:36 AM 5 Comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
UPDATE: I changed the banners places around please make sure you voted for your favorite!
OMG! Finally! I have all of the entries ready to go! Here they are! I will not tell you their names! I will only give them a number! DO NOT TELL WHICH BANENR IS YOURS IF YOU ENTERED!Then, I will put up a poll so you can vote for your favorite! OK! Understand? Here we go! Remember: The prize is to become a Mod on my site!
~Dex Dude~
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 3:02 PM 3 Comments
Dex Dude isn't a member?!?!?!??!
UPDATE: I'm not hacked! Yay! It was jsut my Mom's card it expired so I'm fine! WOOT! I'll be a member by today probably again!
What happened? Ok, is there a better chance of getting hacked on Club Penguin if you are a super mod? I'M NOT A MEMBER ANYMORE! I AM SOOOOOO CHANGING MY PASSWORD! My mom is gonna make me a member again right now! This is bad! I have a picture for proof! I just don't wanna get hacked anymore this is my first time AHHHHHHH!
~Dex Dude~
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 10:14 AM 5 Comments
Stage News!
Lolz, I beat Mimo on posting again! (That's because I'm sick!) It looks like Club Penguin might mix up all the plays together this time! (Based on what it said in their post!) Club Penguin will have a new play soon! This Friday, May 8th, the new play will be coming out! Or, I might be a play with knights and princesses because of the medeival party! Sounds like a pretty cool play, huh? I know this is old, but once I got my comment posted on the CP What's New section! I took a picture of that for you guys! Lolz yeah I thought it was cool I was googling myself! Lolz. Keep Waddlin!
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 10:03 AM 1 Comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
UPDATE #2: OMG 44 followers c'mon guys one more soooooooo close!
UPDATE: 43 Followers we need two more! C'mon guys!!!! So close to a party! Get us 45 followers!
SOOOO AWESOME! Mimo just raised the ranks of some Mods and added some new ones! And, guess what? I AM NOW A SUPER MOD!! WOOT WOOT YAY! Lolz. I'm finally a super mod! I am going to start answering a lot more comments so I can be a LEGENDARY MODERATOR! Oh, and congratz to Nigirl294, Spike Heaton, and Cowtail5 on becoming a normal Moderator! Plus, congratz to Happywagon, (AND ME!) on becoming super mods! That was quick, Happywagon! PLUS, congratz to Saavy on becoming the ultimate, awesome, LEGENDARY MOD! Wow...long post! Keep Waddlin!
~Dex Dude~
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 5:04 PM 8 Comments
Awesome CPG Moment for me!'s great to be a CPG Mod. People have voted for me trying to make me a higher ranked mod. I never knew I had all those people that liked me and stuff. I thought that normally I was just another normal Mod. It just is awesome that all those people like me as a mod. I didn't really notice it....
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 11:06 AM 3 Comments
3,500 HITS!
BAMB! We are soaring up with these hits so quickly! We also have 41 followers! We can't have a party yet! C'MON GUYS! We are soooo close! You gotta tell all of your blogger friends to follow this site! When we get 45 followers we will have a HUGE PARTY! The party will be a 3,000 hits+3,500 hits+45 followers+POSTCARD PARTY+WIG PARTY!!!!!! That means, when we get 45 followers that is what our party will be like! I will send everyone postcards, we will all wear wigs, and it will be a party for 3,000 hits, 3,500 hits, and THE WE ARE VERY SO CLOSE TO, 45 FOLLWERS! Ok, so if you really want the awesomest party I ever had, TELL PEOPLE TO FOLLOW MY BLOG! KEEP WADDLIN!
~Dex Dude~
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 7:40 AM 2 Comments
Banner Contest News
Hi peoples! I AM SO SORRY! About the banner contest, I have been having to make you wait and stuff for a long time. I ama having trouble with an HTML code someone gave me. I have sent them an e-mail saying that they have two days to compelte their banner, or I have to start the contest without them. So please, if you sent me an HTML code for the banner contest, please check your e-mail and make a new banner in paint or something. Sorry to have to make you guys wait and KEEP WADDLIN!
~Dex Dude~
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 6:54 AM 2 Comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
WOW! What did you guys do? Well whatever you doin', it's AWESOME! We have 40 followers! Can you believe it? If we just get five more we get to have a HUGE party! What have you guys been doing! LOLZ! Keep Waddlin!
~Dex Dude~
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 5:26 AM 5 Comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Yeah! I'm gonna go buy some furniture! CP was late on this, but, we finally got our monthly paychecks! If oyu become a tour guide or PSA Agent you can get a paycheck too! You get 250 coins, and a valuable feeling inside that you are helping penguins! OK, maybe not the valuable feeling! CP also jsut released a new start up screen! It's about the dojo and Ninjas! GO NINJAS! Keep Waddlin!
Screamed by Dex Dude Screamed at 3:42 PM 3 Comments