Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mimo Chat!

Hey everybody! My next Mod goal is to become a MimoChat mod! Here are some facts about MimoChat!

1. If you want to go to the website, click here!
2. If you like being weird, MimoChat is the place to be!
3. MimoChat is a cool place to just hang out with friends and meet new friends.
4. MimoChat always helps you find Mimo's parties.
5.And last of all, Mimo Chat is a ton of FUN!

Hope you all visit Mimo Chat! See ya there!

~Dex Dude's Club Penguin Cheats Director, Dex Dude~


Anonymous said...

Hey Dex I really want to be a mimochat mod idk i sorta like it better than just a cpg mod so is it ok that i also become on?
P.S. I had a great birthday

Dex Dude said...

Of course Jay! We can both be one, and then we can be like mod buddies! Lol! I may not become a Mimo Chat Mod though...I'm not sure!

~Dex Dude~